Quality care for your best friend
Your pet’s health, safety and happiness is our top priority. We not only concentrate on tending to their basic necessities like food and water, but also focus on physical and mental stimulation. We make sure every pet is treated lovingly and has fun in the process!

Frequently asked questions
We administer oral medications when needed.
If the pet has aggressively bit someone we cannot provide service. If the pet is reserved and just growls around those they don’t know, we will be happy to see if a pet care plan can be designed that works. Safety for both your pet and our staff is a primary concern. If at any time we feel it is unsafe to perform a service, we will reserve the right to discontinue service.
We will meet you at your house for about 30 minutes, depending on how many pets you have and go over the level of detail for their care or walking needs. This is time where we will get acquainted with you & your pet. Together we will design a plan to meet your pets needs. We will become familiar with the location of various items needed while caring for your pet(s). We will also have you review & sign required documents (ie. Medical Release and Owner's Agreement)
We do not charge extra for walking multiple dogs or pet sitting multiple pets in the same family.
All dogs are taken from your home and walked through the neighborhood or to a nearby park. Dogs will never be transported in a vehicle except in the case of an emergency or if requested through our pet taxi service.
The answer is yes. However, there is an additional 50% up charge for each visit.. We will also need to set up a meet & greet and the owner(s) will need to fill out the paperwork prior to the first visit.
Acceptable forms of payment are cash or credit card which are paid prior to service. We reserve the right to discontinue service if payments are not made as scheduled.
If your dog, cat or beloved pet needs immediate medical attention, we will transport them to your vet on file.
Visits or walks scheduled with less than 24 hours notice will result in a one time $5 convenience charge in addition to your dog walking or pet sitting visit price. Last minute requests may be scheduled, but are not always guaranteed
Not to worry! We can pick up what your pet needs at the store for a $5 delivery charge and the cost of the products.
Dogs are never let off leash while in our care.

Get in touch with us
Whatever needs your pets have, we are here to help. Please contact use with any questions.